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PA429 Matthew 28:11-20 mp3

Matthew Series 70

In this message, the soldiers return to the religious leaders and explain about the dramatic events at the tomb. The leaders bribe them to falsely claim His disciples stole His body while they slept, an unlikely claim indeed. The disciples gather in Galilee and meet the Lord there. They worship Him, and He reveals that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him. Then, He orders them to go out and make disciples of all nations. We discuss what exactly this means, how one disciples and nation, and what the “sequel” to this great book of Matthew will be.

PA428 Matthew 27:62-28:10 mp3

Matthew Series 69

In this message, the chief priests and Pharisees come to Pilate, remembering that the Lord said He would rise after three days, and asking Pilate to guard the Lord’s tomb. Pilate grants their request. After the Sabbath is over, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary come to see the tomb. We learn that the stone was rolled away by a mighty angel, whose appearance made the guards drop to the ground as dead. He tells the women to inform His disciples that the Lord has risen from the dead and gone before them into Galilee, where they will see Him. As they run to bring word to the disciples, they encounter the Lord. They hold Him by the feet and worship Him, and He gives them a message to carry to His brothers.

PA427 Matthew 27:45-61 mp3

Matthew Series 68

In this message, as the Lord hangs on the cross, there is darkness over the land from noon to three o’clock. The Lord cries out from the cross, and we discuss the seven statements the Lord made from the cross that are recorded in the four gospels. The soldiers give Him drink, thinking He had called on Elijah. The Lord dies, a great earthquake takes place, and the veil in the temple is torn in two. Certain graves are broken open, and after His resurrection, those in them come to life and leave their tombs, appearing to many in Jerusalem. The women were watching all this. Joseph of Arimathea comes to Pilate to ask the Lord’s body. Receiving permission, he takes it down, wraps it in rich cloths, lays it in his own, new tomb, and rolls a stone over the entrance. The women watch all this.

PA426 Matthew 27:27-44 mp3

Matthew Series 67

In this message, the soldiers mock the Lord Jesus, then lead Him away to crucify Him. Simon is forced to carry His cross. They crucify Him, dividing His garments among them. Two robbers are crucified with Him. We read of the mockery of those who passed by, and yet we discuss who these were who were mocking.Both robbers mock Him as well, but what about Luke that speaks of the criminal who took His side?

PA425 Matthew 27:9-26 mp3

Matthew Series 66

We discuss the mysterious quotation about the giving of the money Judas threw back into the temple for the potter’s field. When did Jeremiah say this? Then, the Lord’s trial before Pilate, wherein the Roman governor attempts to appease the people and get the innocent Jesus Christ released, only to have them ask for Barabbas, a probable false christ, instead. We consider those who were in this crowd who demanded our Lord’s crucifixion. Pilate gives in, releases Barabbas, and, after scourging the Lord, turns Him over to be crucified. How significant was Pilate’s washing of his hands before committing this crime?

PA424 Matthew 26:67-27:8 mp3

Matthew Series 65

In this message, the Sanhedrin mocks the Lord after condemning Him unjustly. Meanwhile, Peter outside tries to remain to see what will happen with the Lord, but ends up denying Him three times. We discuss these denials, what he was probably thinking, and how these match up with the denials in the other gospels. When Judas sees He is going to be condemned, he tries to return the blood money, but the chief priests and elders don’t care. We discuss how he forced them to take it back, and the details of him hanging himself.

PA423 Matthew 26:47-66 mp3

Matthew Series 64

In this message, Judas arrives in the garden with a crowd from the chief priests and elders. He betrays the Lord with a kiss. A disciple draws a sword and cuts off a man’s ear, but the Lord rebukes him. The disciples all then flee. The Lord is led to the house of Caiaphas the high priest, while Peter follows. The Sanhedrin seeks false testimony against the Lord, and finally produce two false witnesses, who ought to have been disallowed for the rest of their false testimony. When the Lord is finally put under oath as to whether He is Christ, the Son of God, He readily admits it, and they condemn Him to death without proof against His claim.

PA422 Matthew 26:30-46 mp3

Matthew Series 63

In this message, after leaving the upper room where they celebrated the Passover, the Lord predicts the disciples stumbling because of Him that night. When Peter denies he will do this, the Lord predicts that he will deny Him three times before the rooster crows. Reaching Gethsemane, the Lord takes Peter, James, and John and asks them to watch and pray with Him. He pleads with the Father to remove the cup from Him…but what cup was that? Was He really backing out from wanting to die to save us? He finds the disciples sleeping and chides them.

PA421 Matthew 26:17-29 mp3

Matthew Series 62

In this message, the Lord sends two of His disciples to prepare a place for them to keep the Passover. When the time comes, He arrives with the rest of the disciples and they celebrate the festival. The Lord reveals that one of them is going to betray Him, which makes them very sorrowful, as well as introspective. The Lord reveals to Judas that He knows he is the traitor. The Lord gives the bread and the cup of the Passover a new significance. We discuss just what the Lord was doing, and how that affects us today.

PA420 Matthew 26:1-16 mp3

Matthew Series 61

In this message, the chief priests, scribes, and elders meet to consider how to murder the Lord Jesus. Meanwhile, the Lord is in Bethany in the home of Simon the leper, and a woman comes and pours a flask of costly oil on His head while He sits at the table. The disciples complain that this was a waste and the oil could have been sold to give to the poor. We discuss the fact that they were repeating Judas’ argument from John 12. The Lord defends the woman and promises that wherever the gospel is proclaimed around the world, this would be repeated to remember her. Judas goes to the chief priests and asks for money in order to betray Him.